Here's a published book review of Reading Black Books by Claude Atcho:

Read: "Sutherland Review of Reading Black Books." 

Published here:

Whites and Blacks see racial issues through different lenses.

Read "Race through the fish eye"

What is the best foundations for racial reconciliation?

Read "Reconciliation--The Now But Not Yet"

I attended a very friendly African American church. The adult Sunday School class resounded with biblical truth, and was permeated with humility. The pastor was strongly evangelical and missions-minded. He spoke of love and forgiveness from the pulpit. Yet he ignored me when walking by and I was the last one he acknowledged at the end of the service by the pulpit. Some years previous he had asked for my help to raise money for an addition to his church. Judging from the expensive cars in the parking lot at that time, instead I offered to teach a financial stewardship seminar at no cost—an offer not taken. The new addition was up and in use the day I came. Only God knows the reasons for the coldness, but finances perhaps had some part. Much mistrust between black and white clergy exists in America, with some very notable exceptions. Because Christ lives in all born-again Christians, we have the best chance of any group on the planet to be reconciled, through our oneness in Christ and through the grace He provides to forgive and love.