Sept. - Nov., 2024 Issue 108

Sketches of the Poor

America—$35 Trillion in Debt

An insolvent nation cannot long survive. It must have the funds to support its armed services. It must provide enough stability to provide opportunity for “the pursuit of happiness”. Lorin Fife wrote in the Wall Street Journal on 9/9/24: “Our industrial base withers and we cut defense budgets, in real terms, year after year, reducing the U.S. Navy to its smallest since our entry into World War I.” We are unable, apparently, to adequately guard our southern border with Mexico.  We are a nation divided against itself politically. Many work to further divide us by ethnicity, religion, birth gender/sex and income levels.

This election season, broad financial policies are floated. “Buying” votes is as ancient as Rome’s circuses and free bread. The impact of these policies upon the national debt, that currently stands at over $35 trillion, is debated, since details are lacking and variables can’t be accurately predicted. Even if one party’s plans reduce the debt at current projections, there is no actual constraint upon that same party to spend beyond what is saved, to keep votes and power. William Galston wrote on 9/17/24:

“…Republican and Democratic parties are alike in one important respect: Both now behave as though budget deficits don't matter. Red and blue politicians alike seem to think we can increase spending, cut taxes indefinitely, and borrow whatever we need to close the gap….”

Since America is the primary reserve currency globally, it can print money that is accepted internationally. With the rise of cryptocurrencies, moving to a basket of reserve currencies, and vying for global power, nations such as Russia and China are moving away from the dollar to cut dependency upon the US.

Bloomberg reported on 9/12/24 that the US is already 1.9 trillion dollars overspent after 11 of 12 months of “budgeting,” up 24% from this period in 2023.

I warned about the danger of the national and other debt in 2009   and in 2017   Many focus upon what percentage of a nation’s Gross Domestic Product is owed by the government. This allows for national comparisons, and may assuage concerns if ours is significantly less than, for instance, Japan’s. However, one fact that can’t be minimized is the interest on the national debt, and what percentage that is of the national budget. In 2016 interest on the national debt was $432.6 billion. Today debt owed to the public from budget deficits is over $28 trillion, and is above $35 trillion overall. The Congressional Budget Office projects that for 2024, net interest on the public debt will be $1.1 trillion The 2024 National Defense Authorization Act allowed $883.7 billion for defense.

One new hope in this casual catastrophe is that many business leaders and financial commentators are now pushing the scram button to stop our financial meltdown, which we foist upon future generations. Yes, we like tax cuts, giveaways, no reduction in Social Security and Medicare benefits. We want to support oppressed nations and needy people. The operative question should be, What can the US honestly afford to do, and be solvent as a nation? We are a nation in debt to other nations. The Lord told Israel that if they would obey His commands, they would lend to nations, not borrow from them (Deut. 28:12). But the cursed position as described in Deut. 28:44 is to borrow from foreigners. We borrow to pay our deficits. The US owes $7.9 trillion to foreigners as of 2023, according to the Peterson Foundation Perhaps Americans have become inured to debt in general. Consumer debt hit $17 trillion in 2023 ( We need to pray and vote for political leaders who understand the times, and who understand basic economics.

The Housing-project Poor

The Westside is unusual in that its center is pedestrian—only. A giant rectangle describes the main courtyard of 2-story apartments. It has over 2,000 residents, and the nearby Golden Gateway apartments where we also work has approximately 155 units. This densely populated area can be lonely. Often residents tell us that they keep to themselves, not going out except when necessary, avoiding potential conflict. This, of course, is especially true of those coming off drugs or who want to avoid friends who got them into trouble. Some call it “maintaining.”

Another source of loneliness is fatherlessness. I can’t identify more than two families where the father and mother are present with their children, although there are probably a few others. This can lead to anger, from abandonment and the lack of normal restraint from older men who model, counsel and advocate boundaries. Currently I know of 3 such men, who live at the Gateway.

A third reason for loneliness relates to educational attainment. Educational achievement is directly associated with average income. The more years of education, the higher the income, in most fields. Since many in the Westside area have only a high school diploma, if that, incomes are low. Those without a college education in the US are increasingly more lonely than those with a college education, and among Blacks in this category, 35% self-report as being lonely.  Research across 17 nations, including the US, showed much higher incidence of loneliness among singles, vs. marrieds, and among the materially poor  

These are five factors predisposing for loneliness— lack of social interaction, fatherlessness, being single, low educational attainment, and being materially poor. It can lead to becoming a gang member, and to needing reliable friends.

Focusing upon poverty, Proverbs teaches that the poor will have few friends, regardless of other factors.

The poor is disliked even by his neighbor, but the rich has many friends. Prov 14:20.  All a poor man’s brothers hate him; how much more do his friends go far from him!  He pursues them with words, but does not have them. Prov. 19:7. Wealth brings many new friends, but a poor man is deserted by his friend. Prov. 19:4 ESV throughout.

Who wants to get close to someone, inside or outside the family, who often asks for assistance? Money, or the lack of money, is more important than family or blood relations, neighborliness, and friendship. Israelites were specifically commanded not to harden their hearts against a poor brother.

If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the LORD your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother. Deut. 15:7. Christians are admonished: “Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly.” Rom. 12:16a. The apostle James tells us not to humiliate a poor man, or prefer a wealthy one (James 2:3).

Being a friend at the Westside is a ministry, even if one’s gift isn’t evangelism. Friendship can become a redemptive relationship. It’s a way to associate with the “lowly”. Consider going where needs are great, where we must trust the Lord, being intentionally uncomfortable --locally or afar.

South Sudan—the Poorest Nation, 2023 & 2024

South Sudan won independence in 2011. It held national elections in 2012, then slid into tribal civil war in 2013. The majority of warring parties finally agreed upon a peace process in 2018. Elections were scheduled for 2022, before which a national constitution would be established. Without a national census, and a lack of political will, neither a constitution nor an election materialized—the latter postponed to December, 2024. That election was once again postponed until 2026. The current president hasn’t faced an election since 2012.

Sudan to the north has been destroying itself for 17 months (as of 9/2024), in a power struggle between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid-response Security Forces (RSF). The latter is the legacy Janjaweed—Muslim militia which attacked and enslaved Black S. Sudanese before independence. They continue inhuman attacks upon people of Darfur, having almost captured that state.

S. Sudan is almost entirely funded, apart for international aid, from oil sent via pipeline through Khartoum, to Port Said. Since oil facilities were controlled by the RSF, it was predictable that artillery and air strikes would damage them. Oil hasn’t flowed since early 2024, leaving S. Sudan without revenue. Government workers haven’t been paid for nearly a year. Food inflation is at 164% in 2024, and overall inflation is at 90%., according to the Wall Street Journal. Repairs may take months.

The RSF doesn’t receive a per-barrel fee for transporting the heavy oil, and may not allow the flow. Global Finance Magazine named S. Sudan the poorest nation globally in 2023 and 2024. In 2024, Sudan has the second-lowest Human Development Index of any nation . We will provide emergency food relief as funds allow.

What are RMNI donors doing there? Currently we’re assisting three projects. RMNI donors provided land and the foundation for the first floor of Grace Theological College’s (GTC) classroom/office building. The cost to construct the first of two floors is approximately $64,000. Principal David Acellam, a chemical engineer, is nearing completion of his PhD at the University of Pretoria, S. Africa. One of his goals is to provide digital online courses--the first Bible college in S. Sudan to do that. GTC is evangelical, and Reformed theologically, accepting students from other theological backgrounds. They currently have 68 students.

GTC has twice rented radio time to address spiritual issues that concern S. Sudanese. For the last 3 years, we have worked with the leaders of Juba Presbytery to get Redeemer FM radio station operational. We did that briefly with a 250-watt transmitter, from a professional studio that our donors funded. However, a second media authority required us to send transmission signals away from the airport and presidential residence, forcing a delay and substantially increasing costs. We have selected equipment and are vetting bids for a guy-wire radio tower. We plan to buy a 2,000-watt transmitter, sited in a densely populated area of Juba. Erecting a tower, receiving the equipment from Italy and installing it remain.

The third project is completion of Agape Christian Primary School, designed to fund the diaconal work of Agape Mission. Hopefully it will begin in 2025. Agape Mission plans to send a mission team to the Nuba Mountains of Sudan, and to provide emergency relief. Many Sudanese have taken refuge in Juba.

Prayer Power

South Sudan

Please pray that we can get Redeemer FM on the air—with excellent equipment, radio tower, coverage, and programming. Challenges continue.

Please pray for a strong team for a ministry trip to S. Sudan, February 12-22 2025. We match gifting with opportunities in-country. The trip fee is $1,500. Details at

Please pray for the completion of GTC’s classroom/office building.

The needs are enormous in South Sudan. Pray for godly, bold and wise leadership both nationally and in the Church.

Westside Ministry

Please pray for William to grow strong spiritually. Pray for the Spirit to bring conviction upon several men with whom Jim has worked for years.

Pray for God to send workers! People fear the Westside, but God has protected us for 22 years.


Judy has written a long short-story about our ministry, highlighting God’s provision to our family, and through us, particularly since 1977. I’ll add to it. Please pray that this will honor God and encourage others.

Judy remains my primary focus at this time. We need God’s grace, joy, endurance and healing. I value prayer to accomplish my ministry to her, and to those RMNI serves.

Our vision is to reconcile the races, especially the least-reached globally, to God and each other. Our mission is to equip and mobilize ethnic churches, especially the African-American, to reach the least-reached in the city and globally. RMNI is a 501c-3 ministry (# 62-1781061), founded in 1999, with membership in Missio Nexus and Technical Exchange for Christian Healthcare. 

The Reconciliation Report is a publication of

Reconciliation Ministries Network, Inc.
PO Box 2537 Chattanooga, TN 37409-0537

Phone: 423-822-1091

Jim Sutherland PhD., Director