Refugees from Sudan, transiting in northern S. Sudan, headed for Juba
photo by William Jada
Sudan Destruction - Juba Construction
The Current Sudan / South Sudan Crisis
The overall leader of our work in Juba, Pastor William Jada, was in Khartoum on April 15th for medical tests when the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and Rapid Support Forces (RSF) began a firefight, which continues sporadically as of this writing. His harrowing account of God’s protection and return to Juba is worth reading at our homepage. Fighting has left Khartoum to the combatants and the looters.
Prior to the Sudan eruption, there were already over 2 million internally displaced people and 300,000 refugees from other countries in S. Sudan, out of a total population of about 12 million. By one estimate at least 70,000 have recently returned from Sudan to S. Sudan, and about 6,000 arrive daily.
S. Sudan had imported much food from Khartoum. Ninety percent of S. Sudan’s national income is from oil piped through Khartoum (!) northeast to Port Sudan. The S. Sudan economy is based upon the US dollar, which spiked in value relative to the local currency over 12% in mid-May. Increased demand and less supply have elevated food prices.
Lookout Mountain Presbyterian Church sent $10,000 for food to returnees to Juba. Each of 300 families is to receive 22 lbs of flour, 6.6 lbs. of dried beans and .8 gallons of cooking oil, along with a Bible. Agape Mission will sensitively share the Great News along with this food. Others may contribute to this work in Juba via RMNI, 100% of which will go for this need. Pray that this food goes to those who most need it, and for receptivity to the Great News. Only God can provide on the scale needed, and only God is fully funded.
We hope to bring a team to Juba sometime in the last few months of 2023. Many skills can be used. In particular ophthalmologists can be put immediately to work in Buluk Eye Clinic, the only government-sponsored eye clinic in the country. We have a strong working relationship with clinic leaders. Contact Please pray for a lasting peace in Sudan and S. Sudan and for stable, trustworthy governance in both nations. Pray also that the church will be used to bring comfort and salvation to many during these times of great upheaval, privation and distress.
Jim Sutherland
Grace Theological College, Juba – New Campus Construction
Grace Theological College (GTC) began informally in 2012 through curriculum offered freely by Third Millennium. In 2017 a 3-year diploma program began, together with a certificate program, and land was purchased for their campus through a gift from Lookout Mountain Presbyterian. Upon completion this campus will help obtain registration with the Ministry of Higher Education, and will allow GTC to launch a bachelor’s degree program. Pastor David Acellam, who is a chemical engineer and a PhD candidate at the University of Pretoria, is principal of GTC. He wrote:
As GTC continues to mature and grow as a theological institution, there is a need to set up a campus for the college. That will contribute immensely to the vision of GTC and leadership development for the Church in South Sudan, and the community at large.
Preparations for the first of two stories of the campus are coming along well. The cost of this phase is approximately $106,000 US dollars, although inflation has pushed this higher. To date $30,000 has been sent.
Redeemer Radio — Juba
Redeemer FM Radio was first proposed as an outreach of Grace Theological College in January 2022. Faculty aired two 3-month Theology-on-Air programs on a local radio station around 2021. Topics included biblical stewardship, counsel in suffering, raising godly children and how to study the Bible. Listeners requested more. Solid biblical teaching is a great need in Africa. Redeemer Radio will focus upon teaching a biblical worldview, countering cults, and various hot topics, such as the prosperity “gospel.”
Redeemer Radio will also encourage enrollment at Grace Theological College and will utilize its faculty. With an antenna atop a 7-floor office building in the heart of Juba, the 250-watt output should reach most of metro Juba, S. Sudan’s largest city. Although a census hasn’t been taken in recent years, Juba probably has over a half-million residents, growing quickly with refugees.
RMNI is partnering with Teaching Mi ssions International’s (TMI, President Chuck Lokey. Chuck established three radio stations in the Caribbean and has the technical resources needed. He suggested using the Galcom Omnistation, which in 2 suitcases contains all equipment needed for input and broadcasting. These units can be used as repeaters if the station expands. Jino Pitia developed foundational documents, obtained permits and will head the station. Final permitting awaits completion of the offices and equipment installation. TMI is contributing $10,000 and RMNI $20,750 to date.
A Victory For (and by) A Victor
Victor experienced the death of his infant son about two years ago. John Disterdick, a longtime Westside volunteer, visited often to comfort and encourage. Victor took a bus to work. John went to work to provide him with his own transportation. Pastor Alfred Johnson donated a van that hadn’t been driven for three years—needing “work.” John hired a mechanic, who fixed everything that turned up broken. The top half of the van was painted and four new tires were installed.
John, an original Iron Man athlete, boxer and 82nd Airborne veteran, at 81 still competes nationally in Senior Olympics--running, rowing, swimming and other events. He does not quit. Victor needed a driver’s license, including road test. John took Victor to the tests until he got his license, then paid for car insurance through May, 2023. John, who raised over $2,000 for this, asked Victor to pay it forward by occasionally helping others at the Westside with rides. The rest of John’s story is at his website: Above is John (left), Victor and Lee Jones, a regular Westside worker, who assisted.
Prayer Power
- Please pray that the research mentioned below will raise awareness of issues and potentials, assisting agencies in fielding AFAM missionaries.
- As of writing, 13,000 unique visitors have visited our website this year. In April alone documents or PowerPoints were downloaded over 2,000 times. Thanks to the Lord and to our volunteer webmaster and originator, Walt.
- We need the optimal time to travel to S. Sudan. Please pray that all who the Lord wants on the team will travel, and that sickness won’t hinder. We hope to bring ophthalmologists and others.
- The radio station was installed on June 12th! Pray for wisdom and skill in running it, for the best content, and for final government inspection approval.
- Please pray for the completion of the first story of Grace Theological College.
- Pray for missionaries to be sent from Juba. No movement in that direction yet.
- Refugees are often more open to God’s help, being more needy and vulnerable. Pray for effective spiritual ministry to those who receive food through funds provided to Agape Mission in Juba.
- Two recent college grads, Wil and Meg, joined the Westside team! They engage well a variety of ages. Kristy is the first from her AFAM church and comes faithfully after work.
Please pray for conversions and for wisdom in discipleship and financial assistance.
- Ongoing prayer is needed for energy, the best use of time and funds, for times of refreshment, and for health for all RMNI workers and ministry partners.
- Ellen Fox is well in Lohutok, S. Sudan, and encouraged. Pray for blessing and protection upon her.
Thanks! Jim
RMNI began from doctoral research at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in 1997-98 that examined the fact of, and reasons for the paucity of African American overseas missionaries. That research continued, sometimes fitfully, through June, 2021. Those findings are now available in an article in Missiology: An international review, co-authored by Jim Sutherland, Richard Coleman, missionary to Ethiopia, and Jacinta Russell, an AFAM mission mobilizer. “African American missionaries serving overseas: A surprising numerical and demographic analysis of US-born Blacks in missions” also identifies the greatest hindrance to overseas service. This article is available for free download and printing from our website: |