ID Title Author Last Author First Periodical Volume Pages Comments Cat1 Cat2
1 Betsy Stockton: A Stranger in a Strange Land Andrew John A Journal of Presbyterian History Sum 1974 157-166 Biographical sketch of the life of Betsy Stockton, first single woman missionary from the US. History Black Missions
2 A New Era for Black Missionaries Beckner Verne Christianity Today Oc 20 1989 38-40 Highlights an African American church group trip to Kenya.  Discusses Destiny Movement & Destiny 87. Modern  
3 Cross-Cultural Missions the 'Great Omission' of the Black Church, study says Butcher Andy Mission Frontiers Ap 2000 15 Report on research done by Jim Sutherland including feedback from COMINAD members. Modern Black Missions
4 Redemption of Africa: The Impulse of Black American Overseas Missionaries Coan Josephus R Journal of the International Theological Center Spr 1974 27-37 A discussion of the motivations for African American involvement in missions. History Black Missions
5 A Tale of Two Countries Costen James H Journal of the International Theological Center Fa-Sp 1996-1997 15-30 Black Presbyterian missions in Liberia and the Congo History Black Missions
6 George Liele and Andrew Bryan, Pioneer Negro Baptist Preachers Davis John W Journal of Negro History Ap 1918 119-127   Biography History
7 The Call of Destiny Frame Randy Christianity Today Sept 4 1987 64 A positive report of the Destiny '87 conf and the Destiny Movement. Modern Black Missions
8 Black Man's Burden Gordon Robert Evangelical Missions Quarterly Fall 1973 267-276 Why is African-American involvement in missions so low. (Key Resource) Black Missions  
9 The Missing Black Missionary Hillis Dick World Vision Magazine Jan 1969 14,15,24 A good challenge to recruiters.    
10 George Liele: Negro Slavery's Prophet of Deliverance Holmes Edward A Baptist History and Heritage Ag 1965 27-36   Black Missions History
11 Back to Africa Isaacs Harold R Practical Anthropology Mr-Ap 1963 71-88 A discussion of the strains and contradictions experienced by African Americans who go to Africa.  The interaction with the culture which is quite different from their own. Black Missions  
12 African Missions and the African American Christian Churches Jacobs Sylvia M Encyclopedia of African American Religions NY:NY Garland Publishing 10-23. Good article covering history of African-Americans in missions to Africa. (Key Resource)    
13 Are You A Keeper or a Killer? Johnson Michael Mission Frontiers Ap 2000 21-22   Black Missions  
14 Jewel of the Kingdom Lewis Marilyn Mission Frontiers Ap 2000 22-23,28 Brief biography of William Sheppard, missionary to Congo. Biography History
15 Overcoming Obstacles Lewis Marilyn Mission Frontiers Ap 2000 23-28   Black Missions History
16 Missionary Movements Martin Sandy D Encyclopedia of African American Culture and History NY:NY Simon & Shuster Macmillan 1815-1818 A brief history of African-Americans in missions.    
17 Spelman's Emma B. DeLaney and the African Mission Martin Sandy D Journal of Religious Thought Spr-Sum 1984 22-37 The role of black Baptist women in education and Christianization in Africa. A case study. History Biography
18 The Baptist Foreign Mission Convention Martin Sandy D Baptist History and Heritage Oc 1981 13-25 The historyof the National Baptist mission board History Black Missions
19 The Debate over Interracial Cooperation Among Black Baptists in the African Mission Movement Martin Sandy D Journal of the International Theological Center Sp 1986 291-303   Black Missions History
20 Destiny '92 Calls Black Christians to the Mission Field Maxwell Joe Christianity Today Sept 14 1992 52-54 Report on Destiny 92 Conf Modern Black Missions
21 Legacy and Destiny: A History of Missions Mulholland Kenneth B Destiny: The Time has Come   5-10 A brief history and overview of Gordon's decline of involvement.  Also a good challenge to renewed involvement.  This article was unpublished. Black Missions History
22 Wanted: Black Missionaries, but how? Pelt Leslie Evangelical Missions Quarterly Ja 1989 28-37 Discussion of AFAM involvement in missions.  Hindrances and solutions presented.  Reasons (from Gordon) for the decline of AFAMs in missions.  A breif history of AFAMs in missions. (Key Resource) History Black Missions
23 A Wholistic View of Mission Quarles Naima A The AMEZ Quarterly Review Ja 1997 62-70   Black Missions Modern
24 Where are the Black Missionaries Reapsome James Evangelical Missions Quarterly Jl 1987 296-297 Editorial on Destiny 87.  Encourages white mission agencies to recruit from African American churches. Modern Black Missions
25 Prelude to African Christian Independency Sanneh Lamin Harvard Theological Review Ja 1984 1-32. The influence of Afro-American missions on the African independence movement. History Black Missions
26 Black American Missionaries in Africa Seraile William The Social Studies Oct 1972 198-202 The contribution of blacks to missions, 1821-1925. History Black Missions
27 Negro Missionary Reaction to Africa Symposium   Practical Anthropology Mr-Ap 1964 61-70 African Americn missionaries respond to their cultural experience as missionaries to Africa. In response to Isaacs article, "Back to Africa". (Key Resource) Black Missions  
28 The Black Missionaries Trulson Reid HIS Magazine June 1977 1,4-6      
29 Ignite The Passion Walston Vaughn J Mission Frontiers Ap 2000 14-20   Black Missions  
30 Black Americans in Missions: Setting the Record Straight Wilmore Gayraud S International Bulletin of Missionary Research Jl 1986 98-102 A discussion of the impact of black Americans in missions (positive). History Black Missions
31 Called to Witness, Called to Serve: African-American Methodist Women in Liberian Missions Wimberly Anne Streaty Methodist History Ja 1996 67-77   History Black Missions