ID Author Last Author First Title B/P
1 Andrew John A. Betsy Stockton: A Stranger in a Strange Land P
2 Beckner Verne A New Era for Black Missionaries P
3 Bowen J.W.E. Africa and the African American Negro B
4 Coan Josephus R Redemption of Africa: The Impulse of Black American Overseas Missionaries P
5 Costen James H. A Tale of Two Countries P
6 Fitts Leroy Lott Carey: First Black Missionary to Africa B
7 Fitts Leroy The Lott Carey Legacy of African American Missions B
8 Frame Randy The Call of Destiny P
9 Gordon Robert Black Man's Burden P
10 Gregg Howard D. The History of the African Methodist Episcopal Church B
11 Harr Wiber The Negro as an American Protestant Missionary in Africa B
12 Harvey III William J. Bridges of Faith Across the Seas B
13 Holmes Edward A. George Liele: Negro Slavery's Prophet of Deliverance P
14 Isaacs Harold R Back to Africa P
15 Jacobs Sylvia Black Americans and the Missionary Movement in Africa B
16 Martin Sandy D. Black Baptists and African Missions: The origins of a movement 1880-1915 B
17 Martin Sandy D. Spelman's Emma B. DeLaney and the African Mission P
18 Martin Sandy D. The Baptist Foreign Mission Convention P
19 Martin Sandy D. The Debate over Interracial Cooperation Among Black Baptists in the African Mission Movement P
20 Maxwell Joe Destiny '92 Calls Black Christians to the Mission Field P
21 Pelt Leslie Wanted: Black Missionaries, but how? P
22 Reapsome James Where are the Black Missionaries P
23 Roesler Calvin L. The American Negro as a Missionary B
24 Sanneh Lamin Prelude to African Christian Independency P
25 Symposium   Negro Missionary Reaction to Africa P
26 Waite Montrose Waite, A Man Who Could Not Wait B
27 Wakatama Pius Independence for the Third World Church B
28 Williams Ethel L. Afro-American Religious Studies B
29 Williams Walter L. Black Americans and the Evangization of Africa B
30 Wills & Newman   Black Apostles at Home and Abroad B
31 Wilmore Gayraud S Black Americans in Missions: Setting the Record Straight P
32 Wimberly Anne Streaty Called to Witness, Called to Serve: African-American Methodist Women in Liberian Missions P